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How to burn (download) a program into a Micro if I am not using a Experimental board as Discovery board....

Associate III

Hi ST_community.

"Programing STM32F429ZIT6 micro"

I have a question: what are the options to burn/download a program into a STM32F429?

At this moment, I am working on STM32F429ZIT6-DISC1 board, now, everything is ok, everything is done it throughout ST_Link (I was checking the board and it has an STM32F103 to support the USB ST LINK).

So, at this moment, I don`t have an idea how to program the STM32F419 if the MCU is not on STM Discovery board.

After some test, I will need to design a board (with all electronic components that my project is using), and I will need to transfer the program/debug it....

Can you tell what is the best way to do it, please?

Any comment/advice is welcome.




Add a JTAG/SWD header on the board so you can connect an external pod, like an ST-LINK/V2, Segger J-LINK, etc

G​eneral programming could be done via a serial port, or USB. See App Note AN2606

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Lead II

You can use the connector CN2 and CN4 of the DISC1. This allows to use the STLINK of the DISC1 to flash/debug another MCU.

Have a look to the DISC1 schematics:

This is a wonderful feature of older development boards. News with STLINK-V3 lost this possibility. Sigh...

Hi Tesla DeLorean.

Thanks a lot for your quickly answer.

I was checking the APP Note AN2606, so using USART1 (for example) we can flash/debug the MCU, boot0 (PIN 138) must be connected to GND, so, Main Flash memory is selected as boot space.

So, the ST-LINK V2 (wired as TX-RX(MCU), RX-TX(MCU), GND-GND(MCU) and VDD-VDD(MCU)) using pins: PA10 and PA9, it should work

0693W00000QKbXaQAL.png I hope I understood correctly, if not please, let me know it...

again, thanks a lot for your comment/advice.



The Nucleo boards with STLINK-V3 still have MIPI10 debug connector.

The MIPI10 connector allows to configure the NUCLEO local MCU with an external tool, while STLINK-V3 is disabled by JP1 (UM2505 Page 12).

AFAIK the STLINK can't be disconnected from the local MCU, therefore impossible to drive an external MCU.

I wonder what kind of tools this connector is intended for, because I don't see the point of using a tool other than the local STLINK-V3 on a NUCLEO board.

I think that since ST now has tools like the STLINK-V3MINIE, they don't want users to be able to do the same thing with a NUCLEO board!

"....boot0 (PIN 138) must be connected to GND..." ? I may not be understanding what you are trying to do, but if you connect BOOT0 pin directly to ground you will be limiting your programming options. I connect the Boot0 pin to a pull-down resistor (10k?) and a test pad/hole. That way I can pull the pin high using a spring loaded probe in a programming/test jig when I need to re-program/test. My jig connects to GND, VCC, TX, RX, BOOT0 via spring loaded test probes (my boards tend to be smallish, so I don't have much room for connectors)

Hi gregstm.

When I said PIN 138 connected to GND, I was thinking in a final project board, no in an experimental board, but I was thinking to use a header to be used when I needed to burn the program or change it any time I need if it necessary..... but always thinking to use Flash area..... is it wrong? Maybe I am trying to do something that is not correct.....

As I told you, my idea is to make a final board...but having the option to burn/replace the MCU program.....

any comment/advice is wellcome...

