2021-05-21 7:43 AM
I have tried a lot in creating a FLM file as well as how to configure the necessary settings in the Keil program. I am using w25q128 serial memory with quadspi protocol with stm32f746igt processor
Use this method because the processor is low on memory
#quadspi #w25q128
2021-05-21 7:47 AM
Do you have your own BSP code which works successfully with the W25Q128 in your system? That supports, read, write, erase, etc?
How well tested is that? Can you write a .BIN or .HEX from the UART to the QSPI Flash successfully? I would generally get all that working properly before trying to port it into a .FLM file.
2021-05-21 7:58 AM
2021-05-21 12:47 PM
2021-05-22 2:12 AM
Unfortunately it did not work ever. Since Keil cannot see the file that you sent me to try it. Can I have the basic program that generates the memory code?
struct FlashDevice const FlashDevice = {
FLASH_DRV_VERS, // Driver Version, do not modify!
"W25Q128 Flash", // Device Name
EXTSPI, // Device Type
0x10000000, // Device Start Address
0x01000000, // Device Size in Bytes (256kB)
4096, // Programming Page Size
// 0, // Reserved, must be 0
0xFF, // Initial Content of Erased Memory
200, // Program Page Timeout 100 mSec
3000, // Erase Sector Timeout 3000 mSec
// Specify Size and Address of Sectors
0x001000, 0x000000, // Sector Size 4kB (4096 Sectors)
I tried to generate the keil program code it sees but it does not work Are the settings correct
2021-05-22 4:09 PM
Updated file, should be recognized now
2021-05-22 4:49 PM
#ifdef USE_W25Q128
KeepInCompilation struct FlashDevice const FlashDevice = {
FLASH_DRV_VERS, // Driver Version, do not modify!
"CLIVEONE-W25Q128_STM32F7XX-PB2-PB6-PF8-PF9-PF7-PF6", // Device Name
EXTSPI, // Device Type
0x90000000, // Device Start Address
0x01000000, // Device Size in Bytes (16MB)
256, // Programming Page Size
0, // Reserved, must be 0
0xFF, // Initial Content of Erased Memory
100, // Program Page Timeout 100 mSec
3000, // Erase Sector Timeout 3000 mSec
// Specify Size and Address of Sectors
0x010000, 0x000000, // Sector Size 64kB (256)
#endif // USE_W25Q128
2021-05-23 4:25 AM
After adding the file .flm to the program and pressing OK, it will disappear from the list automatically
2021-05-23 5:45 AM
2021-05-23 6:06 AM
I'll set up a Nucleo and test later.
Try renaming to TEST.FLM
Change the RAM allocation to 0x4000
5.33 Didn't appear to be losing the the algorithm