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Hi team! I am working on the OLED interfacing with STM32F103C8T6. All I want to do that is to display the counter value from 0 to 255 on OLED. But when I simply put the random number such as 48 it shows its equivalent ASCII value not a decimal value.

Associate III

Hi team! I am working on the OLED interfacing with STM32F103C8T6. All I want to do that is to display the counter value from 0 to 255 on OLED. But when I simply put the random number such as 48 it shows its equivalent ASCII value not a decimal value as it is 48.

What is the reason of it?

I am delighted to ST community for the help.

Thanks in advance.


Accepted Solutions
Associate III

Hi DeLorean.!

I am very happy to say that my code is working now.

Thank you so much tesla. This happens only with your guidance.

I also thanks to ST community for this platform.


Thanks a lot tesla again.

Actually I was declaring function body/definition not in the same file.

However, it is working.

View solution in original post


You've stated the symptoms twice, not sure that helps understand the cause.

Code is broken.

Show code.​

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Thanks for the reply tesla.

Actually the problem is OLED shows ASCII value of decimal equivalent.

Below is the code

 //This function put the value that we want to display in my case i is the int and i=5(val) lets say

 int SSD1306_PutVal(int val, FontDef_t* Font, SSD1306_COLOR_t color) {

/* Write characters */

while (val) {

/* Write character by character */

if (SSD1306_PutV1(val, Font, color) != val) {

/* Return error */

return val;


/* Increase string pointer */



/* Everything OK, zero should be returned */

return val;

//This function decide its Height and Width

int SSD1306_PutV1(int ch, FontDef_t* Font, SSD1306_COLOR_t color) {

uint32_t i, b, j;

/* Check available space in LCD */

if (

SSD1306_WIDTH <= (SSD1306.CurrentX + Font->FontWidth) ||

SSD1306_HEIGHT <= (SSD1306.CurrentY + Font->FontHeight)

) {

/* Error */

return 0;


/* Go through font */

for (i = 0; i < Font->FontHeight; i++) {

b = Font->data[(ch - 32) * Font->FontHeight + i];

for (j = 0; j < Font->FontWidth; j++) {

if ((b << j) & 0x8000) {

SSD1306_DrawPixel(SSD1306.CurrentX + j, (SSD1306.CurrentY + i), (SSD1306_COLOR_t) color);

} else {

SSD1306_DrawPixel(SSD1306.CurrentX + j, (SSD1306.CurrentY + i), (SSD1306_COLOR_t)!color);




/* Increase pointer */

SSD1306.CurrentX += Font->FontWidth;

/* Return character written */

return ch;


void SSD1306_UpdateScreen(void) {

uint8_t m;

for (m = 0; m < 8; m++) {

SSD1306_WRITECOMMAND(0xB0 + m); //Set Page Start

                   //Address for Page

                   //Addressing Mode



/* Write multi data */

ssd1306_I2C_WriteMulti(SSD1306_I2C_ADDR, 0x40, &SSD1306_Buffer[SSD1306_WIDTH * m], SSD1306_WIDTH);



void ssd1306_I2C_WriteMulti(uint8_t address, uint8_t reg, uint8_t* data, uint16_t count) {

uint8_t dt[256];

dt[0] = reg;

uint8_t i;

for(i = 0; i < count; i++)

dt[i+1] = data[i];

HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, address, dt, count+1, 10);


 //All the functions used below already described above

  int i;

  i=48;//When I put this value OLED shows its equivalent ASCII vale from 0123456789:

  SSD1306_GotoXY (0,0);// //function is above described

  SSD1306_PutVal ( i, &Font_11x18, 1);// //function is above described

  SSD1306_UpdateScreen(); //function is above described

  HAL_Delay (1000);

Thanks in advance.


PutVal function does not convert to a numeric value.

I​s this something you wrote or copied?

Perhaps rewrite so it does what it should.​

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Yes copied code from google.

The person was showing Hello world.

I just make one change in it.

I make it int and removed pointer.

Below is the original function of PutVal()

char SSD1306_Puts(char* str, FontDef_t* Font, SSD1306_COLOR_t color) {

/* Write characters */

while (*str) {

/* Write character by character */

if (SSD1306_Putc(*str, Font, color) != *str) {

/* Return error */

return *str;


/* Increase string pointer */



/* Everything OK, zero should be returned */

return *str;


Create a string using itoa() or decompose to digits using basic math.

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ok any link or application??

This line of code explain all

b = Font->data[(ch - 32) * Font->FontHeight + i];

and you need understand font func show one character by code not numbers.

Puts prints every characters in string over cycle...usw

>>ok any link or application??

This is basic C programming and math, surely?

char string[16];

sprintf(string,"%d", val);

SSD1306_Puts (string, &Font_11x18, 1);

SSD1306_Puts (itoa(val, string, 10), &Font_11x18, 1);

char *simple_decimal_string(unsigned int x) // convert 32-bit unsigned to decimal string
  static char str[16]; // Enough to hold 10 digits and NUL
  char *s = str + sizeof(str);
  *--s = 0; // NULL at end, working backward
    *--s = '0' + (x % 10);
    x /= 10;

SSD1306_Puts (simple_decimal_string(val), &Font_11x18, 1);

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Sorry for my not availability.

Yes I will implement it today.