2020-02-09 7:53 AM
Hi, set stm32H750 tim, Error in 'deviceManage/Function-Call Subsystem/Timers': Initialization commands cannot be evaluated. TIMERS_Config function : Can not find which APB timer TIM1 is connected to.Default preference value STM32TIMAPB set to APB1 is used.
2020-04-01 3:08 AM
Hi @Cyril FENARD
I made some more tests and figured out that the problem occurs only if I use Timers which are connected to the APB1 bus. Do you have an idea why this could be a problem?
Best regards
2020-04-01 5:56 AM
2020-04-01 6:05 AM
All timers? For example also TIM2?
2020-04-06 6:24 PM
2022-07-16 10:53 PM
Hi, I have the same problem. Although I use the latest version of STM32-MAT/TARGET-5.6.0, I can only use TIM1, 8, 15, 16, 17. Other timers have the same problem as you. How do you solve it?
2022-07-17 11:21 PM
To be honest we decided to not use the STM32-MAT/TARGET anymore because it is to buggy and really slow in compiling. I implemented the software directly in the STM32CubeIDE and communicate directly over the USB port with Matlab using their serialport implementation.
Kind regards