2020-02-09 7:53 AM
Hi, set stm32H750 tim, Error in 'deviceManage/Function-Call Subsystem/Timers': Initialization commands cannot be evaluated. TIMERS_Config function : Can not find which APB timer TIM1 is connected to.Default preference value STM32TIMAPB set to APB1 is used.
2020-03-09 5:47 AM
Hi @Community memberngyuan ,
The root cause is understood; the 5.4.0 release was not ready for the H7 family.
Some corrections are made for the next delivery of STM32-MAT/TARGET V5.6.0 planned for the end of Q1 2020.
TIMER blocks have been improved to be able to be used with models using H743ZI2 on our side.
2020-03-24 6:28 AM
Hi @Community memberngyuan l,
The STM32-MAT/TARGET V5.6.0 was released in the last days of March 2020.
This release is paired with STM32CubeMx V5.6.0 and with MATLAB R2018b.
This is the consolidation of the previous version V5.4.0 with some enablers for the NUCLEO-H743ZI2.
2020-03-24 9:18 AM
Hi @Cyril FENARD
I have the same issues with the new release installed. I'm not able to configure and use Timers in my Simulink environment.
Like you can see I'm getting an infinite loop of this error and I need to abort Matlab.
I hope you can help me with this issue.
Best regards,
2020-03-24 9:46 AM
Hi @DHofe.1 ,
Have you tried the following example provided with version V5.6.0 of the STM32-MAT/TARGET tools:
It works straight out of the box.
Can you check your installations and your MATLAB session, in particular the path recorded in the tool?
>> version
ans =
' (R2018b) Update 6'
>> cd STM32
>> getpref('STM32')
>> path
>> rmdir slprj s
2020-03-25 12:46 AM
Hi @Cyril FENARD
Thank you for your fast answer! Yeah I tried to load the example and it worked without a problem. What is really strange I think.
I executed the required commands and you can find the results in the attached log file.
Update: I tried to configure a second timer in the provided example and I got the same error like before. So I think there is just TIM1 which works properly.
2020-03-25 3:59 AM
Hi @DHofe.1 ,
It seems that interoperability with the ioc file for the H7 family and timers is not sufficient with this version of the STM32-MAT/TARGET tool.
Sorry for the problem.
2020-03-25 4:08 AM
Ok, but in the release notes of the newest STM32 MAT/Target is written that the H7-Family is supported. Can you estimate when this will be fixed or at least can you tell me if you're working on this problem at the moment?
2020-03-27 8:12 AM
2020-03-30 11:45 PM
Hi @Community memberngyuan
Have you tried to use another timer than timer 1? Because this is the only one which works for me. The ADC I never tried before.