2023-05-13 3:57 PM
Project name: Fx_MultiAcess_429
Type: STM32CubeIDE project
MCU/board: stm32f429zi Nucleo board
Purpose: This project uses FileX to access SD card on stm32f429zi Nucleo board (board version:MB1137-F429ZI-B01)
board pin connections(CN8 connector) vs SD Card Slot Socket pin:
PC8 -- SDIO-D0
PC9 -- SDIO-D1
PC10 -- SDIO-D2
PC11 -- SDIO-D3
+3.3 -- +3.3
I created this project thru clone from sample project "Fx_MultiAcess" on stm32f469 Discovery Board.
1. generated base codes thru IOC file by compareing screenshots of IOC file on project "Fx_MultiAcess" on stm32f469 Discovery Board;
2. copied app_file.c from project "Fx_MultiAcess" on stm32f469 Discovery Board;
3. added USART3 debug print out in main.c and app_file.c.
4. BTW, there is a small bug on sample project "Fx_MultiAcess" on stm32f469 Discovery Board. after regenerate codes thru IOC,
line 199 of main.c has been set to "hsd.Init.BusWide = SDIO_BUS_WIDE_4B;"(not good) instead of "hsd.Init.BusWide = SDIO_BUS_WIDE_1B;"(good)
The SD Card itself is good and has been verified thru running the above sample project on the stm32f469 Discovery Board.
Has error on line 191 of app_filex.c. fx_media_open() returns 0x01 (Error reading the media's boot sector)
Hope someone or ST team can help to find out why.
attached is the project file.
2023-05-16 10:08 PM
2023-05-23 11:59 PM
still, nobody answers!