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GPIO not working by baremetal programming

Associate III


I am trying to blink LED using baremetal programming. I am just starting bare metal programming. My LED on Nucleo - F070 board is not being turned ON. 

I checked register values on data sheet and user manual and it seems to be correct. RCC and GPIOA are in different bus and I was confused a bit. I have mentioned the code below. 

Kindly, help me getting through this. Thank you so much in advance. 



// Where is the LED connected
// Port - A
// Pin  - 5

#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) // Base addr. of peripheral in memory
#define OFFSET_AHB2PERIPH      (0x08000000UL) // In bus AHB2 0x4800 0000 is the address of GPIO port A & this offset + base value = GPIOA PORT A in memory
#define AHB2_PERIPHBASE        (PERIPH_BASE+OFFSET_AHB2PERIPH) // 0x4800 0000 is starting point of AHB2
#define GPIOA_OFFSET           (0x00000000UL)

#define AHB1_PERIPHBASE        (0x40020000UL)
#define RCC_OFFSET             (0x00001000UL) //0x4002 1000 is the starting addr.
#define RCC_BASE               (*(volatile unsigned int *)(AHB1_PERIPHBASE+RCC_OFFSET)) // starting addr. of RCC

#define AHBEN_REG_OFFSET       (0x14UL) // offset to be added in RCC base according to Ref. Manual 7.4.6
#define RCC_AHBEN_REG          (*(volatile unsigned int *)(RCC_BASE+AHBEN_REG_OFFSET))

#define GPIOA_EN               (1UL<<17) // As per Ref. Manual 7.4.6 moving 1 to bit 17 to enable GPIOA
/*1<<0 = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001
 * 1<< 4 = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 */

#define GPIOA_MODE_REG_OFFSET  (0x0000UL)
#define GPIOA_MODE_REG         (*(volatile unsigned int *)(GPIOA_BASE+GPIOA_MODE_REG_OFFSET))
/*As we are using PA5 - we will be using MODER[1:0] - bit 11 & bit 10*/
 * 00 -> INPUT MODE
 * 01 -> General Purpose output mode
 * 10 -> Alternate function mode
 * 11 -> Analog mode
 * */
/*To set bit 10 to 1 = (1UL<<10)
 * To set bit 11 to 0 &=~(1UL<<11)*/ // according to Ref. MAnual

#define GPIOA_OD_R            (0x14UL) // Offset for output data register
#define GPIOA_OD_REG          (GPIOA_BASE+GPIOA_OD_R) // Using OUTPUT register as we have set GPIOA-5 as an output pin

#define PIN5                  (1UL<<5) // To toggle pin 5 we need to toggle 5th bit in GPIOA_ODR register
#define LED_PIN                 PIN5

int main(void)
	//1. Enable clock access to GPIO

	RCC_AHBEN_REG != GPIOA_EN; //  "!=" operation is done to prevent any other bit to change as "=" operation may disrupt other bits for the operation

	//2. Set PA5 as an output pin

	GPIOA_MODE_REG  != (1UL<<10);
	GPIOA_MODE_REG  &=~(1UL<<11);

	} // End of while loop

} // end of the main function





Accepted Solutions

After inserting break point I found that program is not getting to the second line and there is some issue in below mentioned line. 


View solution in original post


Use the OR EQUAL not NOT EQUAL, ie  |= not  !=

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I AM REALLY SORRY for this dumb question. 

After correcting this, my program is being stuck at this infinite loop par.



After inserting break point I found that program is not getting to the second line and there is some issue in below mentioned line. 


Solved it by changing syntax to this one.

#define RCC_AHBEN_REG          ((*(volatile unsigned int *)(0x40021000UL+0x14UL)))



Thank you so much for your attention