2017-06-11 1:18 PM
How fast it is possible to drive external IC using Paraller Port (32bit wide, mixed PINs from various port) via DMA or other technics. I have connected also exteral SDRAM to MCU.
It is possible to achive about 40 - 50 MHz update freq ot entire port ?
Thank you in advance for all sugesstions.
#stm32f7 #32bit-parallel-port #freq #parallel-port #stm32h72017-06-11 1:38 PM
Use the FSMC/FMC to write to a 32-bit data bus, and have external latch catch the write cycle (as if it were a SRAM or NOR type device)
2017-06-11 6:41 PM
Hi. I use fmc to sdram. I want to established communication from mcu to other ic independly from sdram lines. Data from sdram should be go the fastest way to parallrl port.
2017-06-11 6:59 PM
The bus can interface to multiple devices. The GPIO banks are only 16-bit wide and the addresses are sufficiently far apart that you can't DMA a 32-bit word to a pair of them in consecutive transactions. The bus width to the video dac also isn't wide enough.
2017-06-19 5:00 AM
Turvey.Clive.002 wrote:
Use the FSMC/FMC to write to a 32-bit data bus, and have external latch catch the write cycle (as if it were a SRAM or NOR type device)
I have nucleo 767zi, how I can do that? I don't have any external memory righ now.
2017-06-19 7:29 AM
You'll need to review the pin list, and see how much of the FSMC/FMC you can escape. A 32-bit write will go to consecutive addresses on an 8 or 16-bit data bus.
2017-06-19 4:17 PM
So how I should configure cubemx if i have clear pin, nothing else connected to stm32f767 nucleo. I want check performance this configuration.
Thank you in advance.