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Hi,Iam trying to use software DFU bootloader trigger from STM32 application (BOOT1 and BOOT2 are untouchable). Application use USB-FS (service/CDC) and USB-HS (data/CDC), but trigger will be send via existing USB-FS (CDC). USB-FS use PA11 and PA12 an...
pointer above 0x4000 Hi,Why I cannot use pointer above 0x4000. I have declared array form 0x200023d0 [+6000 32bit], so end about 0x28950a10. I am using STM32F769. Iam getting Failed to execute MI command:-data-evaluate-expression *(pDataVectSourceAdd...
Hi,I need to use both USB-HS ( with external PHY USB3300) and FS in the same time (not exacly), but both have to be open as CDC at the same time. I try to use HAL, but when I add second USB, Windows doesnt recognize USB device.Do you have working exa...
Posted on December 06, 2017 at 23:53Using  HAL_SPI_Transmit function with variuse size I can hang SPI. It should send every time 10 chars, but sending it only one time. All the rest equal to first set size.HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi1, (uint8_t *)buff_tx...
Posted on November 09, 2017 at 10:37Hi,I am trying to start with USB CDC on stm32h7. I create new project with CubeMx + STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.1.0 (cubemx file attached). After compile usb device doesnt appear on the system.RegardsMike#stm32h743 #virtua...
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