2:05 AM
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3:51 AM
Salut la communauté,
J'ai créé une carte électronique permettant de visualiser l'état de la batterie d'un ULM. J'ai utilisé le microcontrôleur STM32F401CD, et j'avais initialement prévu d'utiliser uniquement l'horloge interne HSI du MCU, donc je n'ai pas ajouté d'horloge externe. En voulant programmer ma carte, j'ai remarqué que je parviens à effectuer une mise à jour sur mon STM32 Link/v2, mais je n'arrive pas à cibler mon MCU en SWD (qui est correctement alimenté en 3.3V, comme mesuré). Je voulais donc savoir si le problème pourrait venir du HSI.
Merci beaucoup.
2024-04-22 2:25 AM
Please write in English.
I created an electronic card allowing you to visualize the battery status of a ULM. I used the STM32F401CD microcontroller, and I had originally planned to use only the MCU's internal HSI clock, so I didn't add an external clock. When wanting to program my card, I noticed that I am able to perform an update on my STM32 Link/v2, but I cannot target my MCU in SWD (which is correctly supplied with 3.3V, as measured) . So I wanted to know if the problem could be with the HSI.
Thank you so much.
2024-04-22 2:29 AM
The HSI is the default clock source of the system clock. So sure this is not the source of the problem.
You need to check your HW especially the debug part: SW etc ..
You can refer to this AN for more details and for a reference design.
2024-04-26 1:35 AM
To provide context, I've recently created an electronic board using the STM32F401CD MCU and I'm in the process of its initial use. I'm supplying power to my board with 3.45V, I've checked the continuity of my traces, and I haven't found any particular issues. However, although I've successfully recognized and upgraded my ST Link/V2, I'm unable to target my MCU. Upon checking my SWCLK pin, I noticed that throughout my procedure, my SWCLK isn't oscillating. I'd like to know, firstly, what the problem might be, considering I want to use only the MCU's internal HSI clock, and secondly, whether my clock starts running directly after powering up my MCU or if it needs to be initialized in a certain way.
Yassir OTMAN
2024-04-26 10:02 AM
Need easy to tell you the issue. When you connect the ST-LINK what voltage is displayed by CubeProgrammer?
As I said, for HW check you need to follow the AN4488.
2024-04-29 12:26 AM
The voltage displayed by CubeProgrammer is 3.34V.
2024-04-29 12:32 AM
When i want to upgrade firmware, the software say "ST-Link device lost when exiting upgrade mode" is it normal ?
2024-04-29 2:38 AM
The the STLINK FW update has no relation with with your HW.
What ST-Link version you're using? V2 or V3?
2024-04-29 2:41 AM
I use the V2 version.
2024-04-29 2:44 AM
What utility tool are you using for the FW update? STM32CubeProgrammer or ST-LINK updater tool (STSW-LINK007)?