2021-12-26 10:06 PM
Hello and Happy New Year 2022,
I'm using STM32L072,
I set SPI1 to be in "Transmit Only Master" mode, and DMA1 as SPI1_TX (DMA1 Channel 3)
I use CubeMX to Auto generate my code
The relevant SPI1+DMA1 line is:
HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA(&hspi1, (uint8_t *)aBuffer, TX_BUFFER_SIZE);
While checking whats wrong, I realized that during HAL_DMA_Init() routine, the DMA Channel CR register is not updated
as you can see in the attached snapshot:
tmp = 0x2090 and in hal_dma.c line#183 there is an assignment to CR register:
hdma->Instance->CCR = tmp;
you can see that after execution of line #183 The hdma->Instance->CCR remain 0x00 !!!
Any Idea what might cause this phenomena ?
BTW - later on in my code if I manually add the line:
*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40020030 = 0x00002090; // write to DMA1_CCR3
All work fine !!
Thanks In Advance,
2021-12-27 05:59 AM
2021-12-27 08:43 PM
Hey Jan
Thank you very much !
I follow your attached link and able to fixed the problem :)
Wish You a Happy New Year :)
Best Regards,