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Has anyone experienced this situation?

Senior II

I have 2 types totally 4 boards (each type 2) of F103C6T6, I programmed them by ST-Link mini through CubeIDE, any of them could be only programmed once, the next time it would be prompted device could be found in CubeIDE. I mean is there any mechanism ensure some kind of chips could be programmed only once then ST-Link will reject to program?


Senior III

Try to complete device erase in Cube Programer. It should help.


Enabling RDP level 2 during programming would prevent access to the chip, but it's not reversible.

Generally, it's not desired to be unable to reprogram a device.

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You'd need to connect NRST or have BOOT0 pulled High to stop your code running, and/or "connect under reset"

If your code reconfigures the debug pins, or puts the chip to sleep, it will not be easy to wrestle control back whilst your code runs. Pay attention to what you are doing.

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The first time run perfectly, then when I clicked "connect" in Prog, it(the CubuProg) would shut down and exit immediately. Till thus, I always tried on Ubuntu 20.04, then I tried ST-Link2 + CubeProg + Windows 10 on the other machine, ST-LInk2 could be verified, but it was still prompted target not found.