2024-07-20 06:05 AM
In STM32U5, the GPDMA has both request sources and trigger sources, what's the difference between them?
2024-07-20 06:34 AM
Dear @diverger ,
Here is a specific Application note on our GPDMA :https://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/an5593-how-to-use-the-gpdma-for-stm32-mcus-stmicroelectronics.pdf
You can go to Page 7 for the GPDMA Request that can by software or triggered by hardware for peripherals.
let us know what is your specific need or software example to better support.
Hope it helps ,
2024-07-20 07:16 AM
I want to read from an external ADC with SPI interface. As I need a stable sample interval, so I need to use a timer to kick the readings continuously. So, my plan is to use a timer to trigger a SPI RX DMA. But there is not enough information about how to implement this on STM32U5. Any suggestions, is it possible?