2017-03-28 6:10 AM
I would like to know whether there is any way to save the content of a register (or a variable) to a txt file in my PC for debugging porpuses (plot the data). I am using Keil uVision 5 and the STM32F769 MCU and in my case want to save the content of the DAC->DOR1 register.
Thanks in advanced,
#keil #debug #stm32f72017-03-28 6:52 AM
Not sure why this question is 'assumed to be answered' without any answer - I comment anyway.
Perhaps you consult the debug support documentation of Keil uVision.
I'm using Crossworks, which comes debug support functions like
, which allows me to channel data from the target directly into the host file system, in a clib stdio manner.I'm pretty sure Keil has something similar.
Be aware of bandwidth limitation, the data are streamed via the debug pod. It can easily break you application timing.
2017-03-28 10:55 AM
I assumed that this forum could not be the best place to ask the question so I marked it as answered.
Anyway, thanks for your replay!
I was looking for info in Keil forum and I came across the LogicAnalyzer, a tool that could be the easiest way to visualize data from the DAC register. The tool use the SWV to trace the data with no processor overhead. I also found the Debug Viewer which uses the printf function to display data from the code. This could be the tools I need for debug the DAC.
Thanks again!