2019-05-06 3:04 AM
I want to configure ADC on STM32(Nucleo-F401RE) using Arduino IDE and transmit the values through SPI to Basys 3 FPGA(End Goal). The ADC works for input signal frequency only below 100Hz. How do I increase the throughput rate? My project requires conversion of input analog signal between 500KHz to 900Khz.
Attached is the plot for input freq 1KHz,1.2V,Sine wave from Arduino Serial Plotter
#include <f401reMap.h>
float analogPin = pinMap(31); //PA0
float val = 0; // variable to store the value read
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // setup serial
void loop() {
val = analogRead(analogPin); // read the input pin
Serial.println(val); // debug value
In the past,I have used Keil and STMCubeMX. It did not sample the input signal below 100Hz which was achievable using Arduino IDE. I have tried increasing the sampling cycles, the issue persists. Configured ADC without DMA with HAL_ADC_Start function and transferred the values to PC through UART,still unable to retrieve the original signal. I'm unable to isolate where the problem lies. What am I missing?
2019-05-06 3:17 AM
I'd say
> Serial.println(val); // debug value
takes cca 10ms.
2019-05-06 3:22 AM
> Serial.begin(115200); // setup serial
Some rough bandwidth estimates are helpful before starting to implement.
115200 bps gives you about 10 kbytes per second - without overhead.
2019-05-06 4:03 AM
Okay, thank you! I increased the baud rate to 2000000 and works till 400Hz. But I'm still quite far away from the range I would require. STM32(Nucleo-F401RE) ADC of 2.4MSPS sampling rate. Can I expect better results if I send the values to FPGA, store them in a memory and transmit then using UART ?
2019-05-06 4:04 AM
Would configuring a ADC with DMA help ?
2019-05-06 4:55 AM
Best option would be to drop the real-time UART transmission. Isn't it for debug anyways ?
With two bytes per ADC value and >2 Msps get you roughly 5 MBytes/s, or 50Mbps of required bandwidth.
Perhaps USB or ethernet, but not UART.