2020-12-21 8:29 AM
I try to implement an FFT on the STM32F401CE controller. I followed a tutorial from youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCcALaGNlyw). It mainly consists of including arm_math.h and libarm_cortexM4lf_math.a. I succeeded in doing so and compilation worked fine in CubeIDE Version: 1.3.1.
However, when I try to debug the program, it goes into the HardFault_Handler() with BFSR = 0b10000010.
If I execute the program in singel stepping (pressing F5), I get the following information:
Can't find a source file at "D:\CMSIS\CMSIS_Setup_V4.xx\CMSIS\DSP_Lib\Source\GCC/../TransformFunctions/arm_rfft_q15.c"
I have absolutely no Idea, why there is a file expected on that location, especially as I have no drive D.
I have the following questions:
Many thanks for your hints,
Best Regards,
2020-12-29 4:14 AM
here is, what I observed myself. Maybe it is helpful for others, having the same problem:
The HardFault has nothing to do with the "Can't find source file..." stuff.
Concerning the HardFault()
Concerning "Can't find source file..."
I have no better explanations, maybe they are wrong - if so, feel free to correct me.
2021-01-11 9:56 AM
Did you end up finding a solution to this problem? I'm actually running into a similar issue on my end moving to a STM32wb55 project.
I actually got it working just fine in a fresh project but adding it to an existing project, there must be some difference (not sure what the difference might've been). Was just curious if you had made any progress with that.