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Circular DMA seems to "doublebuffer" (STM32F427)

Senior III

What is it that I've been missing...

I set a timer to trig 7-channel ADC with DMA. The DMA is set to make 7 16-bit to 16-bit transfers circularly. It seemed to work fine, but some data started to corrupt. So I made the 7x16-bit buffer 4-fold (28 16-bit numbers) and it got half-written. It looks like the data is stored in two 7x16-bit blocks.

The actual doublebuffering was not used and the DMA_S0M1AR was zero.

(Checked in the Atollic debugger special register view.)

Senior III

A bit off from the original question, but it seems that I haven't really gotten it...

What does NDTR count? I mean, if FIFO is used, the source is 8-bit and destination is 32-bit, what transfers does it count?


Aha, AN4031 explains that for non-memory-to-memory case:

"The transfer size is defined by the DMA_SxNDTR register value and by the peripheral side data width".

Oh, I just realized, there is no hand written code involved. It's all generated by CubeMX.

Only the code in interrupt that copies the contents of the DMA buffer is hand-written, but should not be involved in this.

Maybe I can put the code here.

Senior III

I started to wonder if this could be a timing problem. Maybe the clock triggering the ADC sweeps runs faster than intended. Could this happen, if new sweep is started before the previous one is properly finished?

Senior III

Just came to my mind... how does MPU fit into the system? Is it also between the DMACs and memory? That is: can it trap illegal memory accesses by DMAC too? I suppose that the DMA peripheral buses are not seen by the MPU.

Chief II

Speaking about timings.. Maybe DMA is delayed because of something other and ADC overrun happens. And, by the way, debugger breakpoints almost always cause ADC overrun.

Found it. It seems like the MPU is between the processor and the bus. It doesn't see what DMACs are doing. Should have guessed, because of the bus matrix...

I just don't see how ADC overrun could cause the "double buffering"-effect.

Senior III

Maybe I should try with double buffering, but set both memory pointers to the same buffer, and see if that still happens...

On overrun interrupt code can restart capture sequence from the beginning, including DMA.

I'll check if there are overruns involved.