2024-04-23 2:37 PM
Note: circuit diagram & schematic requested ,
Preferably in altium designer
New to the electronics, doing small projects,
For our project we made Free-fall detection board using STM32G030F6P6 & Lis2Dh, it is working fine detecting freefall & impact,
Now we want to make another board having stm32 + lis2dh + ir proximity, so that on fall downword lis2dh detect freefall first then the ir-proximity should measure the distance during the fall, after reaching 5m above the ground a sound (beep) needs to be activated.
I hope you people got the general idea, cant discuss it further.
Hope to get the help soon.
2024-04-23 3:08 PM - edited 2024-04-23 3:10 PM
Perhaps you're looking for https://www.fiverr.com/ ?
Support from ST typically comes via the sales channel, perhaps check your local sales office for a rep, and an FAE to help with design work. Or your distributor and their staff.
For ST boards, most of the reference schematics can be found under the "CAD Resources" tab for the boards in question.
Some of the DISCO boards integration sensors, the NUCLEO boards are more of a break-out platform, from which you can prototype and debug.
2024-04-23 4:52 PM
@Jan58 wrote:cant discuss it further
You're going to need to discuss it a lot further - your outline is far too vague for anyone to complete a design for you.