2020-04-20 5:31 PM
In RM0383 Reference manual on page 215 - Section: Continuous conversion mode.
There is "SWSTRT bit" but shoul be "SWSTART bit".
This is very important bit :-).
2020-04-21 2:05 AM
Hello @JSzem.1 ,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
This typo will be corrected in the coming release of RM0383.
Best Regards,
2020-04-21 1:52 PM
Hi @Imen DAHMEN ,
I've found this typo both in RM0390 and RM0090, so I guess it goes across all 'F4, and probably also 'F2 RMs.
Can you please have a look at those, too.
PS. I've found it also in RM0385 and in RM0431 so it will probably extend to all 'F7s, too.
2020-04-22 5:53 AM
This is raised internally to correct this typo in all impacted RMs.