2020-07-29 7:12 AM
Hello Community,
I'm currently programming a framework for the STM32F3 ADC. However I ran into a problem. I want my ADC to run continuously. Moreover I expect "long" delays between reading the channels. I thought, this is no problem, since the ADC has the Auto Delay functionality. I attached a similar program flow and like my real program, the EOS flag is always set after the delay and only buffer[0] is written. I already searched the reference manual as crazy. Can someone see my fault?
2020-07-29 11:11 AM
Does it work if you take out the HAL_Delay(1); line? Probably all the conversions are overwriting each other. You need to use DMA for multiple channels, or be more responsive to the EOC flag.
2020-07-30 12:25 AM
Hmm, no it doesn't actually. It worked as I used (EOC-) interrupts for it, however I want this to be independent from DMAs and Interrupts
2020-07-30 12:49 AM
This code works. But I really don't get it. I thought the Auto Delay waits with the next conversion until the DR is read (EOC flag cleared)
2020-07-30 1:33 AM
Don't you observe it in debugger?
2020-07-30 2:32 AM
I do, and the desired cfgr bits are set, however the ADC isn't stopped by the debugger. So when i break the execution and refresh the DR register, it always holds another value
2020-07-30 6:17 AM
This figure suggests your original logic would work just fine:
Probably something else you're missing.
I wish the F4 had the same functionality.
2020-07-30 11:23 AM
>> Don't you observe it in debugger?
> I do
Okay so that's why the conversion doesn't stay in the DLY state - you read out ADC_DR by the debugger, thus clearing EOC. Exactly as in the "classical" case of UART and SPI I am talking in that link, and discussed here so many times.
Stop observing ADC by debugger, observe only the memory where the program writes the data.
2020-07-30 2:00 PM
That was also my guessing. Since it‘s a framework or a driver, it shall be debuggable. I‘m currently try to make a workaround with the discontinuous mode with n=1 and start the adc everytime after I read the reg. However, at a certain time, it doesn’t work anymore. But this is a subject for another thread ;)
thank you both anyway :)