2022-10-25 5:16 AM
Dear Team
Where the technology was originally invented? about this part: STM32F437IIH6TR
2022-10-25 6:09 AM
You need to explain yourelf a bit better.
Are you asking when was this MCU released to the public?
Have you tried google translate?
2022-10-25 6:11 AM
dear team
about this part: STM32F437IIH6TR
where is the technology R&D site?
thanks for your hard work
2022-10-25 9:41 AM
The STM32F4 series is based on the ARM M4 processor core IP. A google search can provide you with the history of ARM (originally Acorn RISC Machines), their early history in association with the BBC, and their subsequent change to an R & D business model developing processor cores for various manufacturers. Their website has white papers on various aspects of the technology involved.
The STMF4 series uses a combination of the ARM core and various IP blocks for peripherals, which are either developed internally by ST or purchased from third parties. Details of the processor cores are licensed by ARM to vendors on a commercial basis.
Jack Peacock
2022-10-26 7:44 AM
Hello @SWang.14,
Unfortunately, your question lacks clarity and details. If you want to get quick technical support, it is important to provide more details concerning your problem, the question you are asking etc .. with a relevant title.
Yet, I recommend you checking ST official website to have more details about the STM32F437II series.
Thank you.
2022-10-26 9:41 AM
The question I think relates to "country of origin" of design and IP contained there-in.
So perhaps identify what is and is not sourced within ST, and the location of the key/primary design team at ST for this product / mask design.
Similar to the Conflict Mineral type reports.
The concerns being elements designed in China, or features/functionality introduced during manufacture there.