2020-05-15 3:34 PM
Hello everyone,
For one of our commercial product we are using STM32F0 as mcu, and IAR as compiler.
Since the device is battery powered, it sleeps for 1 sec then wakes up and does some adc measurements and sleeps for next 1 sec.
Instead of doing measurements at awake state, I want to measure adc channels at sleep state such that DMA shall measure adc channel every 100ms and store it in sram. For total 1 sec, I shall have 10 measurements. When mcu wakes up, I will take avarage of these 10 measurements and use it for further process. Is it possible to do that? If yes, how can I do it?
Thanks in advance.
2020-05-16 12:27 AM
Run a timer which will trigger ADC conversion every 100ms.