2011-02-11 9:08 AM
32.768kHz clock doesn't start sometimes!
#lse-rtc #lse-low-temperature2011-10-25 8:19 AM
Hi clive1,
Thank you for your suggestion. I have checked that the 32.768kHz crytal is 12.5pF, this seem to be a problem, right? But some how the crytal on the development board that I have is 12.5pF too. I desolder the crytal from the devlopment board and the put it into to my board but it does not make any good. Anyway, I am purchasing the proper crytal( 6pF), hopfully this should solved the problem. Thank you again.2011-10-25 8:49 AM
These circuits are hugely sensitive to capacitive loading, and resistance, as well as the physical characteristics of the PCB, traces, crystal, and soldering.
layout, layout, layout
and the response is:
I am purchasing the proper crytal( 6pF), hopfully this should solved the problem.
BTW I have never heard of a 6pf crystal Erik2011-10-25 9:20 AM
Dear Erik,
I am reffering to 32.768KHz CL=6pF.2011-10-25 9:48 AM
OK, let's try this way
are the traces to the xtal and the burden caps less than 1cm ? are the traces to the Vdd decoupling caps less than 1cm ? is every Vdd pin decoupled? does at least one of the Vdd pins have a tantalum in addition to the ceramic2011-10-25 10:10 AM
Dear Erik,
Yes, I have. 1 yes, the traces to the xtal and the burden caps are less than 1cm. ~8mm. 2 yes, the traces to the Vdd decoupling caps less than 1cm . ~5mm. 3 yes, the every Vdd pin is decoupled with 0.1uF ceramic. 4 yes, there is one 22uF tantalum at Vdd. My PCB already fit these but still no luck. thank you2012-02-20 12:30 AM
I have a similar problem: at low temperature My LSE start whitn some seconds of delay, aboaut 12s at -20°C.
This delay is very shot at +20°C, 3seconds.My cristal is ESR=40K, CL = 6p Co= 1.2p and CL1=CL2=6.8p, layout very similar to KAIL evaluation board.Any Ideas?2013-04-19 12:12 PM
For the stm32L15x problem solved: From the pinOut32kHz to the crystal must be resistor 1kOm.
2013-04-20 12:30 AM
It may be interesting to measure LSE transconductance of the chips that fail to start RTC.
Maybe it's out of specs, who knows?