2018-12-31 6:07 AM
Dear Community Members & STM32 fans,
Let’s end 2018 thanking you for your involvement in our Community and wishing you all the best for 2019!
As already done in 2017 (https://community.st.com/s/feed/0D50X00009bLPmvSAG) and in 2018 (https://community.st.com/s/feed/0D50X00009bLSAKSA4), we open this space to hear from you.
This is an opportunity for us to evaluate what we deliver as offer and to know your expectations.
If we come back to the STM32 portfolio end of last year, it was like this:
Now the image is getting larger with new products as well as ecosystem components:
Compared to the wishes you shared previous years, we weren’t able to answer all proposals for sure, but may be some of our solutions met what you looked for. Like for example: delivering .ioc file in the STM32Cube package which we started with STM32G0...
Either you are a follower of the STM32 history as well as the Community updates, or a new member in this space, would you mind share with us your feedback answering the following 3 questions:
All together, keep UP our STM32 Community!
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-08-30 2:03 PM
I use IAR EWARM and older version 6.x
The newer MXcube does NOT support version 6.x anymore so I cannot use newer CubeMX updates without spending many thousands of dollars.
Would be nice to be able to use the newer MXcube software. I am presently using the STM32F446 parts.
Also, I believe that when I started this project (going very well) that came from CubeMX that it did Not actually enable pins from the timers and so I had to add that manually. There seemed to be a bunch of little missing things like that but it still helped me to get things running in the beginning.
In looking at the more recent CubeMX features regarding DMA, there appears to be quite a bit of possibilities missing from the setup through CubeMX.
That's OK though since I was able to use normal register settings AND help from people here on the ST forums to get that going and could not spend too much time playing with the newer CubeMX because of the non-communicability with my older IAR software.
Not sure where I would be now without being able to ask this fine community for help so I really appreciate it !
Everett, WA
2019-09-08 7:54 AM
STM32 DMA is not trivial...
With DMA how to process messages of unknown and different lengths as soon as they are received (without polling, and even with polling you do not know how many characters are available, see the above answer)?
On my applications, using DMA for UART introduces more problem than solutions, and UART FIFO is the best solution for decades (ST is an exception that persists in imposing DMA...)
To be fair, change of policy for the new series, H7, L4 + have UART with FIFO. But they comes very late… Perhaps a software engineer was involved n the design of theses MCU!
I agree with the request of baud rate generator for SPI! The few available rate never correspond to the required speed !
SPI NSS handling is incomprehensible. Unusable in most cases.
2019-09-08 8:24 AM
I would like to know the version of each peripheral present in each MCU.
Each peripheral (I2C, ADC, DMA, ...) can be different in each series of MCU, and even sometimes in the same series.
There are some documents that explain how to migrate from one series to another, but it is not complete, and it is difficult to find out if 2 MCUs have the same version of a particular peripheral (Each bit of each register must be analyzed in detail).
I would like to have a document that indicates for each MCU the version of each embedded peripheral. And also the inverse table: in which MCUs a specific version of peripheral is used.
The ultimate would have been to have a registry in each peripheral that indicated its version. But it's a little too late: hundreds of versions are in circulation.
The usefulness of these versions is to be able to induce which MCUs can be used with each software libraries, or to choose more easily which MCU to choose for a port or a migration.
2019-09-08 12:25 PM
> I would like to know the version of each peripheral present in each MCU.
2019-09-12 3:39 PM
An STLINKV3 Set and Mini that work with Linux.
Cheers, Hal
2019-09-12 4:54 PM
Here's another wish: better forum software.
The software that runs this forum is just horrific. It's the worst I've ever used. I recommend that ST replace it with something better--there are many choices out there. Either migrate the posts from this forum to the new software, or make this site a read-only archive for people who want to read old posts.
2019-09-13 2:34 AM
Hello @jerry2 ,
We have already several improvements on the pipe regarding the community platform.
But it is interesting for us to hear from you: what is going wrong from your point of view? What problems are you facing that lead to such proposal?
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2019-09-13 8:05 AM
My biggest issues with this forum relate to page navigation. A good case in point is this post. It currently has 136 individual posts, with the newest at the bottom. To get to the bottom to see the latest posts requires scrolling down to the bottom of the page and clicking on the "More Answers" link something like seven or eight times. Why not display all of the posts on a single page, or have a list of pages that can be selected as desired, so that I can easily go to the latest replies without having to scroll through the ones I've already read.
The same applies to browsing the list of articles in the forum. At the bottom of every page there's a "More" link that adds more posts to the screen. There's no way to skip pages or go directly to a given page. Another very annoying thing about browsing this forum backwards in time is if instead of opening a post on a new tab I accidentally open it up on the same tab, when I go back I'm right back at the top of the forum and have to click the "More" button many more times to get back to where I was.
All of this is very annoying. If there's a way to configure user profiles to make navigation and browsing more logical, I'd love to hear it. Other forums I frequent have much better software that makes navigation and viewing posts a much simpler and enjoyable process.
2019-09-13 9:30 AM
Adding to this - when you click on an item to read it, it opens the item in the same window. This takes time. When, I'm done with the item, to get back to where I was, I click on the back button and this takes time.
What I prefer to do is read the index and Ctrl-click (or middle mouse button click) to open the item in a new tab. By doing this, I hide the latency of page loading and when I'm done with an item, I close the tab. This is much faster.
With the current software, Ctrl-click (or middle mouse button click) opens the item in the same window. The only way around it is to right click and select open link on new tab from the context menu.
2019-09-13 9:34 AM
Seconded !! It takes ages to read all the new posts because of this old way of working