2021-04-30 7:53 AM
hi every one
i have some problems by STEVAL-PTOOL1V1 evaluation board.mentioned evaluation board is based on stm32f031c6t8 mcu and used for brushless DC motor control fields.the ST microcontrollers has been provided a sample project by stmcubemx to run BLDCs.i used the sample code in IAR and keil IDEs and faced by some problems.problems are following:
1-error [LI005]:no definition for "MC_Core_Start".......
1-error [LI005]:no definition for "MC_Core_Reset".....
1-error [LI005]:no definition for "MC_Core_Stop".......
it would be appreciated if help me to resolve those errors?
2021-04-30 8:35 AM
Linker error, so missing a source file or library in the build.
Grep the source
2021-05-07 1:41 AM
but I downloaded whole files that provided by ST company.