2022-06-08 4:42 AM
The CANopen protocol can be added in STM32Cubemx6.5.0, which is great! I added the emotas. I-cube-canopen.1.1.2 extension package to CubeMX Software Packs. After the Build was set up, the code was compiled normally and started to run. However, after running for a period of time, a message indicating hardware failure is displayed.CANopen is said by Emotas to have copyright restrictions, is that the reason? Hope to guide the solution.
2022-06-08 8:42 AM
Did you contact Emotas and got a license to use CANOpen stack?
2022-06-08 9:05 AM
@Dldw.1 "CANopen is said by Emotas to have copyright restrictions, is that the reason?"
Have you asked Emotas that question?
It has the MadeForSTM32 badge - which means that they should be providing support for it:
2022-06-08 9:11 AM
@Dldw.1 "after running for a period of time, a message indicating hardware failure is displayed"
Would that "period of time" happen to be 1 hour, by any chance ... ?
2022-06-08 8:02 PM
Hi Soflit �?Andrew,
Thank you very much for your answer
I went to the website of Emotas, but could not find the entry for obtaining a complete licence.
Best regards to you.
2022-06-09 1:56 AM
Go on - there's two 'Contact' links at the top of the page::
(might be spelled the German way - "Kontakt")
2022-06-09 2:17 AM
Hi Andrew,
Thank you for your kind answer
I'll try to get in touch with them.
Best regards to you.
2022-06-09 3:47 AM
Just saying ...
Dealing with CANopen implementations and stacks almost daily, you can expect a 4-digit price.
Alternatively, you can look for an open-source stack, and implement the HAL layer yourself.
2022-06-09 11:17 PM
Hi Ozone,
Thank you for your advice
Are there any recommended resources?
Best regards to you.
2022-06-10 12:59 AM
Hi, I am Torsten from emotas and well, a 4-digit price was a good estimation. If you plan to to a commercial project, you will get a well-proven CANopen stack with the MadeForSTM32 logo and support from us. If you rather do a private project, I can understand that the price exceeds the budget.
Best Regards