2022-06-04 9:13 AM
I have purchased the STEVAL-SPIN3201 board, but the STM32Programmer does not detect the ST-Link, the LEDs are not getting ON. I also purchased the external ST-LINK V2, with that i tried connecting and erased the memory. The USB driver also having problems. Please support to close the issues and program using internal STLink of the evaluation board.
2022-06-04 8:43 PM
Use better cables? Especially don't use charging cables.
Avoid Hubs, and Docking Stations
Try different ports, try different PCs
2022-06-04 8:58 PM
The ST-LINK shouldn't care if board has a loader, or not.
Whether you have specific code that needs to be loaded is another thing.
Usually perhaps best to save the original content before blowing it away.
You should perhaps contact you local ST office, and find the FAE supporting Motor Control
2022-06-05 12:27 AM
Does on board ST link for debugging available in the STSPIN3201 board? I mean can we debug without connecting the external dongle STLink? As per the statement in the user guide.
The board if you see is completely dead with no led ON.
2022-06-05 1:02 AM
I think the LEDs were all OFF after the below operation. I need to make it up and see the LED's working.
2022-06-06 4:07 AM
Hello @JDesi.1 ,
If I remember correctly this board needs to be powered to be able to connect ST-Link. Did you try with power supply ?
2022-06-06 10:06 AM
The power supply is required if i try to run the motor, but as a first step i am checking if i can flash software. So, my understanding is, the flashing can happen if i connect a USB port without power source.
Could you please confirm if erase operation has any affect on the board. The STLink V2 with external dongle, i am able to connect but not with internal STLink. How to proceed for next steps?
One other question in the user there is mention of the below power supply, but no details are provided.I feel lot of documentation is missing, with no mention of the PWM signal test points on the board etc.
2022-06-06 11:13 AM
It says in includes and ST-LINK
If you connected to J6, then you ERASED the ST-LINK device, and that's why that doesn't work.
The target device would need connections via TP16 and TP17
Here's a schematic
2022-06-06 11:14 AM
OP erased the ST-LINK/V2-1, not the STM32F0 part
2022-06-06 4:48 PM
Thank you for support, how do I restore back the software. Please help.