2020-12-21 11:01 PM
Dear Motor Control customers and #[STM32 Motor Control] community members,
We are very glad to announce the new X-Cube Motor Control SDK 5.4.5.
This version is fully compatible with new CubeMX 6.1 and is still available at: https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/x-cube-mcsdk.html .
Some issues have been solved such as STM32G4 internal OPAMP configuration and STM32G4 cut2.2 support (added for both MC Workbench and Profiler).
Some new power boards have also been added such as STEVAL-IPMM10B, STEVAL-IPMM15B, STEVAL-IPM20B, STEVAL-IPM30B, STEVAL-IPMnM3Q, and STEVAL-IPMnM5Q.
Seasons Greetings!
STM32 Motor Control Team
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-12-21 11:09 PM
Dear all
Please also note that the patch for the B-G431B-ESC1 board has been naturally integrated into this new version of the SDK.
Therefore, the post about this hotfix is no longer pinned to the top of the #[STM32 Motor Control] forum.
Best regards
Laurent C.
2020-12-21 11:09 PM
Dear all
Please also note that the patch for the B-G431B-ESC1 board has been naturally integrated into this new version of the SDK.
Therefore, the post about this hotfix is no longer pinned to the top of the #[STM32 Motor Control] forum.
Best regards
Laurent C.
2021-01-09 3:43 AM
Hi! This version has a bug. I use STM32F746ZG + IHM08M1 and the generated project starts, but I can't do nothing, because Break Input interrupt is called all of the time. When I generate the same project with 5.4.4 everything is normal again.
Could you check this issue, please?
2021-01-12 1:47 AM
Dear @VKost.2
Many thanks for this report.
We will ASAP check your issue.
Could you send to us your .stmcs file and give us any HW ans SW details about your setup?
Thanks by advance.
Best regards
Laurent Ca...
2021-01-12 4:51 AM
I've profiled the motor with F302R8 + IHM08, then saved the motor (for some reasons I also couldn't start the Profiler with F476ZG + IHM08).
After that I created Workbench project with F746 + IHM08 + Profiled Motor, worked with version 5.4.4, but not with 5.4.5.
Thank you!
2021-01-12 8:13 AM
Dear @VKost.2
Could you also send to us your .stmcs file you used with SDK5.4.4 ?
Thanks by advance.
Best regards
Laurent Ca...
2021-01-12 8:43 AM
2021-01-19 8:56 AM
Dear @VKost.2
OK. Your .stmcx are identical.
I create with it two project respectively for SDK 5.4.4 and 5.4.5.
I taked care of having exactly the same parameters to generate boths project.
After recursive file comparison, the few differences I sea, are related to some small fixes, and we do not think that they can generate systematic break Input interrupt calls as you have.
So for the moment, we have no more news about your problem.
Did you progress on it on your side?
Best regards
Laurent Ca.
2021-01-28 1:04 AM