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Motor Control PID parameter tuning using STM32CubeMonitor.

Associate III

I am trying to control a 24V PMSM type motor using ST Motor Control Workbench version 6.3.1 with the FOC. I use the position control method as the control method. Tuning PID parameter is given in AN5464.

Although i tried to tune the PID parameters manually in accordance with demonstration code given in AN5464, par. 5.8, motor starting to oscillate when i try to rotate motor in multi-turn (for example 4-turn, 8 * PI radian). So i am trying to use a software tool like STM32CubeMonitor in order to tune PID parameters.

I have the following questions:

  1. Is there any application note/document which describes PID parameter tuning using STM32CubeMonitor? If yes, can you share with me?
  1. If the answer of first question is no, which variables/structure elements should be paid most attention in STM32CubeMonitor for a good PID tuning? For example, ENCODER_M1._super.hMecAngle. Dou you have any recommendation for me?
  1. If STM32CubeMonitor is not suitable for PID tuning, do you have any advice for me? For example, can i use Motor Pilot for this purpose? If yes, is there any document that describes it and which variables should be monitored for a good PID tuning?

Any information you can provide will be appreciated.