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I recently started using ST Motor Control Workbench,Every time I try to generate FOC, I end up with this Error always "MotorControl Reference Pack not found."

Associate II

I've tried reinstalling the software multiple times, also tried to generate FOC using its Previous version but same result.

and also, I tried searching for Reference pack, but I couldn't find it.

Is there anything I might be doing wrong......?

I'm Using NUCLEO-F302R8, and STEVAL-IPM05F

0693W00000bkRRnQAM_Screenshot 2023-05-19 161839.png

Gael A
ST Employee

Hello Vishnu,

First of all, we would like to apologize for the delay in replying to your post.

If your point is still relevant : This may be an authorization issue. Have you tried launching Workbench as administrator, or installing the MCSDK in a different folder ?


If you agree with my answer, please consider accepting it by clicking on 'Accept as solution'.

Hope this will help,
Gaël A.

Hi Vishnu

Did you ever sort this problem out by any chance?

Hey @Trac3r,

what versions of cubeMX & MCSDK are you using?

MCSDK V6.2.1 & cubeMX V6.11 work pretty well if used together.

there might be some issues when using MCSDK 5.4.8.
