2024-04-29 3:16 AM
b-g431b-esc1 will be used to control the motor. The algorithm that dictates the speed will be ran on RaspberryPi 4. Since 3 'b-g431b-esc1' will be used, the easiest connection would be done with simple usb to micro-usb cable.
These are the codes that have been used for communication. However, I am not able to confirm wether the correct information is being received by b-g431b-esc1.
CubeIDE code:
uint8_t rx_buff[10];
HAL_UART_Receive(&huart2, rx_buff, 10, 5000);
if (*rx_buff == 10){
Python code (a computer is being used for communication at this point):
from serial import Serial
ser = Serial("COM3", 115200)
while 1:
"COM3" is correct, and baud rate is correct. Since using huart transmit function, all the sent information from b-g431b-esc1 is seen on Putty.
All pins were checked and are chosen correctly.
Main question is: How to transmit an integer to the b-g431b-esc1 through the usb to micro-usb cable?