2023-02-23 6:30 AM
Hello everybody,
I am playing arround with the Motor Cotrol Workbench 6.1.0 with STEVAL-SPIN3204 Board.
The motor is running well in the Six Step configuration with Sensorless ADC Speed Sensor Mode. If I change the Speed Sensor Mode to Hall Sensor, the Motor does not run and the Motor Pilot throws the error "Over Current". The eensor displacment is set to 120° and the electrical angle is 0°.
If I turn the motor and obseve the ENCODER_SPEED variable the value is plausible. The Encoder signals measured with the oscilloscope are ok.
The JP8, JP9, JP10 and JP5, JP6, JP7 are set as described in the UM2572.
Is there anything else to change at the hardware to get the motor with the hall sensor working?
Kind regards