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How do I flash firmware to the B-G431B-ESC1?


I'm trying to get the basic firmware running, but I think I'm doing something wrong because the ESC doesn't seem to function.

I've generated an IDE project for the B-G431B-ESC1 using the ST Motor Control Workbench, which I then opened in STM32CubeIDE and clicked "Build 'debug' for project" followed by "Run". Everything seems to complete without issues, but when I power the ESC with a 24V supply and give it a PWM signal from a XP3-SSi RC controller the motor doesn't run.

I attached the project's log file, as well as the output from the build and run commands.

Zied b.
ST Employee

Hello @ZRoma.1 , I'm sorry for the late reply. If you still need help, it looks like your board is flashed. To control the motor from an incoming PWM signal, have you followed the doc Concerning the ESC functionality? Have you activated the Electronic speed control function from the WorkBench?
Chapter 6 :Connection and first execution of the electronic
speed controller
Link :

Here is the documentation:

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