2022-04-19 10:31 PM
How to make a project with a motor in the "speed control" mode without using Hall sensors, but using an incremental encoder. With a simple replacement in the "MotorControl Workbench", the properties of the motor and the properties of the speed sensor do not lead to success. In this case, there is only the initial push of the motor, then its stop and subsequent heating of the motor. Thank you in advance!
2022-04-27 2:32 AM
2022-04-28 1:46 AM
Could you try to modify the Torque/Flux PIDs by increasing denominator value and keeping a 2 factor on denominator? In your case, from P=2675/256 to 13375/1024.
2022-04-28 9:34 PM
2022-04-29 1:31 AM
Dear GMA! After changing the coefficients according to your recommendation, the power consumption increased and there was a clear starting push. I checked the speed signal on the board before entering the microcontroller with an oscilloscope! I checked the speed in the Monitor. It's all right! Sensorless mode - everything works both speed control and torque control. Changed the speed PID coefficients. I did not achieve a positive result. Are there any other options that need to be done?
2022-04-29 4:56 AM
You can also try by decreasing the "drive settings/Torque and flux regulators/Cut-off frequency", for example from 6000 to 2000.
2022-05-03 4:42 AM
on your recommendation, I changed the cutoff frequency to 2000 with different PID coefficients. The engine has a primary starting push and remains braked with zero speed and strong heating. What else can be done? What is the difference between speed control (feedback) from Hall sensors or from an encoder?
Thank you in advance for your support.
2022-05-06 1:14 AM
Hall sensor and Encoder use the same timer. With Encoders an alignment phase is added to set a zero position. I forger to ask you, did you verify the "Pulse per mechanical revolution" value on "Motor parameters/Sensors" tab?
Are you using the default generated project or do you modify some settings?