2024-11-18 4:31 AM
I am new to this community. I want suggestion regarding, going to do the setup of two-axis gimbal with Nucleo stm32f429zi and two gdm4108 motors. Is this setup will work?
What are all things to cover?
2024-11-18 5:17 AM
I think the motor that you're referring to is a 3-phase motor similar to this one. https://www.baldor.com/catalog/GDM4104T
If yes, you can check STM's AC motor drivers: https://www.st.com/en/applications/industrial-tools-motor-drives-and-equipment/ac-motor-drives.html
You can also take a look at DRV8353
If you need more info about the Nucleo board, you can see here:
2024-11-18 9:18 PM
Hello liaifat85,
Thanks for your advice. I have selected GDM4108-120T Brushless DC motor.
Actually i have chosen the driver board from stm32, which is IHM07M1. It is compatible with the board and if i have to make two -axis gimbal means, how may be the setup?
Can i achieve the setup.
Please share if you have any idea.
2024-11-30 5:02 AM
Is there any update for us??
2024-12-02 5:31 AM
Hello kamalskdy,
Unfortunately, driving two motor with a NUCLEO-F429 and an IHM07 will prove to be difficult. I suggest you to run the MC WorkBench and try looking at all the supported boards for Dual Drive control before deciding on any setup.
2024-12-02 8:37 PM
Hello Gael,
I want to design a 2-axis gimbal setup. I have selected GM4108-120T motor. For this motor, IHM07 is the suitable expansion board or Is there driver board will control this motor?
Without using mcsdk, we can't program with this expansion board?
Can you please suggest any other motor driver board to control??
Thank you in advance.
2024-12-03 6:10 AM
Hello @kamalskdy,
Selecting 2 motors on Workbench "General Info" tab, and inverter, Inverter tab displays the list of dual drive capable inverter boards.
Selecting "Modular" option, on "Control board" tab, click on "Filters" button and select "2 connectors at least" on "N. of connectors".
2024-12-03 8:35 PM
Actually, Now I already bought STM32F302R8 and Bull Running BR2804-1700kv(IHM002 kit). With MCSDK, I successfully worked with the motor. I want to rotate the motor with raw STM32Cubeide configuration.
What are all the configuration to be make?
I have generated the 20khz pwm signal in timer1 and given to the expansion board. But while checking the motor connection pin with oscilloscope, I did not find the generated pwm signal. So, motor also not rotating. Is there any other configuration to be perform?
Please let me know as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance.
2024-12-04 7:49 AM
Hello kamalskdy,
If you want to run a motor without using the MCSDK, then we will not be able to provide any support. Maybe another user on the forum will be able to answer your question.
The only advice I can give you is to have a look at the MCSDK implementation for PWM generation and get only the part that you need from this.