2021-05-14 9:21 AM
We have a situation on our stm32f765 running freeRTOS on one of our production ongoing avionic product. We see that with new lot of production units are hitting usage fault with INVPC status on USFR.
Can some advice be provided on figuring out the last PC value before the exception happened, the main/process stack does not reflect this.
Also looking at the errata it looks like there seems to be an issue around usage of data cache.
Does this in anyway correlate to the above issue we are facing.
2021-05-21 3:18 AM
Hi @Shinoy ,
This behavior is not specific to the product latest version only. It is related to all versions and all Cortex-M7_based products.
Normally, the problem was related to D-Cache which was causing some crashes. But what I propose for you is to contact an FAE. This request may need an FAR (Failure Analysis Request) to manage with an FAE.
With Best Regards,
2021-05-22 10:31 AM
/* Enable branch prediction */
SCB->CCR |= (1 <<18);
From all these lines only the two enable calls are useful. Invalidation is already done in enable functions internally. And the BP (branch prediction) and STKALIGN (stack alignment) bits in SCB_CCR register are read-only.
As for the issue... While it can be a board or even MCU level hardware issue, 99% of problems are because of broken software. Typically there are many "unimportant" hidden issues ignored by developers just waiting to hit. For example a wrong voltage scale or FLASH latency settings. As you tested, this one seems to be related to cache memory. Are you sure about the MPU configuration? Take a note that a broken cache management can lead to invalid function pointers. For a proper cache management example read my answer here: