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Voice compressing in STM32L4

Associate III
I need to compress voice in STM32L4. Here are my requirements:
* STM32L4 run at maximum 80 MHz
* Voice to be sampled by ADC/DMA
* Flash usage for voice compression < 50 kBytes
* RAM usage for voice compression < 64 kBytes
* Compressed data < 10% of orignal data
* Compress library shall not be GPL (cannot disclose all source code in my project)
* Compressed voice need to be decompressed at Linux OS
So I have searched some libraries and here are my findings:
* ST Opus Cube
- Flash size to big, 163 kBytes
* Speex_STM32_master
- GPL license
* STM32F10x_AN2812_FW_V2.0.0 (speex library)
- Contains assembler files for STM32F1
- Only for STM32F4 and STM32F7
So non of these solutions fits my requirements. Any other ideas?
Lead III

Stm32F1 and stm32L4 both have arm cortex M processors.

What problems do you get offering the STM32F1 assembly files to an assembler for L4?

STM32F1 uses M3 core

STM32L4 uses M4 core

I do not want to put a lot effort into getting it to work if there is an obvious issue.

Opus is BSD licensed. If that works for you you can use a non-ST port/implementation of OPUS.


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Problem with Opus is the flash size, not the license.

Have you tried porting the speex library? What assembler files need to be ported? I can't find the example.

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No, I wrote I donot put effort in something that already have issues.


The STM32F1 code is not at ST website, but found it here


Cortex-M4 is a superset of Cortex-M3.


@RFlod.2 wrote:

No, I wrote I donot put effort in something that already have issues.

What issues? Do you get compile errors or doesn't the program operate properly?

Like @waclawek.jan wrote the M4 is a superset of the M3. So inline assembly should work.

If not use C code instead of assembly code. If that doesn't perform enough you can try to see if you can use CMSIS DSP library:

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It wil take time to implement and verify this implementation.. It would be preferable to use an existing working solution.

Debugging assembler is something I would like to avoid. Even though the core might be compatible there can be callls to other oarthe in the STM32 which are not compatible.