2022-08-29 3:01 PM
When I configure a project to use Azure, the SysTick_Handler is implemented in assembly, which does not call HAL_IncTick(). However, the initialization in main uses the HAL_Delay(), which never gets updated with the tick-time. I was able to work around this, but this seems like a bug.
2022-09-20 6:48 AM
the Systick is exclusively reserved for ThreadX as time base source, for HAL you'll need to configure another time source typically using a TIMER.
have a look at the following example.
2022-11-03 7:42 PM
If the function isn't available, perhaps you ought to eliminate it. That way, it will at least cause a compile error and not cause the programmer to try to figure out why it isn't working.
(Bitten by the same......)