Hi @Silexman when working with USBX Device MSC class what ever the storage media is (uSD, NOR Flash) you should not use the FileX API because the logic of the filesystem is managed by the Host, the PC for example.so you'll need to access the NOR Flas...
Hi @Miyuki Thanks for the update. The next STM3T2CubeH5, to be released this November, include the Azure RTOS 6.4.0 version.otherwise you can get the new Azure RTOS 6.4.0 directly from the link below and integrate it in your project.https://github.c...
Hi @Miyuki thanks for the detailed analysis and the feedback, we are indeed working to update our STM32Cube packages with Azure RTOS 6.4.0. On which STM32 are you working?regardsHaithem.
Hi @KBhon.1 to get LFS working on NAND flash memories you'll need to keep builtin ECC enabled.https://github.com/littlefs-project/littlefs/issues/11#issuecomment-378313646 regardsHaithem.
Hi @RB4020 this works because FatFS creates the MBR is sector 0 and USBX will read that sector to check for a valid filesystem.but the issue is that as soon as your application starts accessing the memory in Wirte/Read modes then the memory will be r...