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I want my code to pick up a value set in the ioc project file, specifically:<project>.ioc | Pinout & Configuration | Software Packs | AZRTOS(M7) | ThreadX | Core | TX_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SECONDIs this possible? I see I can override this in tx_user.h, but...
If Azure ThreadX is enabled, Systick no longer updates; HAL_IncTick() is no longer called from the interrupt, and initialization fails.
When I configure a project to use Azure, the SysTick_Handler is implemented in assembly, which does not call HAL_IncTick(). However, the initialization in main uses the HAL_Delay(), which never gets updated with the tick-time. I was able to work arou...
I have the FWupgrade_Standalone example loaded, looks like files marked with slash and dimmed are part of the example, so should be active files - so what does the CM7 directory icons mean?
I doubt it will fit, but if someone knows that it does, that would open up some opportunities.