2017-06-29 5:22 AM
7There is a potential bug in the HAL library ver 1.0 for the STM32H7:
Functions FLASH_Erase_Sector and FLASH_MassErase (file stm32h7xx_hal_flash_ex.c,) change the PSIZE value in the FLASH->CRx register according to the VoltageRange argument. The function HAL_FLASH_Program (stm32h7xx_hal_flash.c) seems to expect the default PSIZE value (64-bit).
In other words: calling FLASH_Erase_Sector or FLASH_MassErase functions with a VoltageRange argument other than FLASH_VOLTAGE_RANGE_4, changes the behaviour of the HAL_FLASH_Program function.
Separate questions:
Is there any plan to support 8, 16 or 32-bit programming parallelisms in the HAL_FLASH_Program API?
#flash #hal #stm32h72017-06-29 6:17 AM
,I will check and raiseinternally yourreported issue and therequest to
support 8, 16 or 32-bit programming parallelisms in the HAL_FLASH_Program API
.Icome back to you if we will have any taken actions.
2017-06-29 6:20 AM
Hello Imen D.
Thank you for fast response.
2017-06-29 10:18 AM
One further question regarding STM32H7xx FLASH operations:
Looking at the RM0433 user manual:
Chapter 3.2, page 112
Flash programming by 256 bits
Double-word, word, half-word and byte write operationsChapter 3.3.7, page 121
Since a 10-bit ECC code is associated to each 256-bit data Flash word, only write
operations by 256 bits are supported.Does this mean that it is not possible to write a single byte into the FLASH memory on the STM32H7?
Thank you and best regards,
2017-06-29 11:45 AM
,Does this mean that it is not possible to write a single byte into the FLASH memory on the STM32H7?
It is possible to force
the write operation without filling the missing data by activating the FW1/2
bit in FLASH_CR1/2.
This will force all missing data “high�?.
You can use the SRAM
backup to build a word with 256 bit before write into the Flash. It's more optimized.
2017-06-30 1:39 AM
Hi Imen
Thank you for explanation and fast response. I agree that writing a byte is possible, but not in a manner as in an example below. I'm very sorry to keep nagging with this topic, but we're migrating a project from the STM32F2 where such an operation was possible (we've used the described method to 'update' a checksum in the beginning of a FLASH sector after all data was successfully written).
First write at flash address 0x08020000:
FF FF FF FF 01 23 45 67
01 23 45 67 89 AB CE EF
01 23 45 67 89 AB CE EF
01 23 45 67 89 AB CE EF
Subsequent writes to other addresses.
Last write at flash address 0x08020000:
AB AB AB AB 01 23 45 67
01 23 45 67 89 AB CE EF
01 23 45 67 89 AB CE EF
01 23 45 67 89 AB CE EF
The main reason why I don't see how the example above could be possible -> RM0433 user manual, page121:
It is not recommended to overwrite a not virgin Flash word. The result may result in an
inconsistent ECC code. The Flash interface can report systematically ECC errors. A validscenario that can be supported is to overwrite with all zero data. In this case thecorresponding ECC code will also be all zero. Consequently, no ECC errors will be detectedduring the read.Thank you and best regards,
2017-12-06 9:08 AM
Hello Imen,
I am in the same situaltion than Gasper before.
In my application I want to program a new firmware by loading an S-Record file.Normally each line ouf the S-Record have a maximum usable byte length of 32 bytes.Also each S-record line have a starting address in 32 byte blocks.
S32508040B20044A05491368002B08BF0B461844106018467047F0400020E8BE0020F8B500BFE6S31908040B40F8BC08BC9E467047F8B500BFF8BC08BC9E467047FDhere the address 08040B00,08040B20,08040B40. To programm such a one is not a problem, because it fits to the spec of the H743 flash.Depending on the linker file definition, sometimes I get a different staring address e.g.
S32508040B7808000A000C001000200040008000000100061016000610160100020004000600D7here the address 08040B58,08040B58. This address is in between the 32 bit range and overlapps to 32 byte/256 bit sections.
To simulate this matter made a small application trying to understand the behavior of the H743.
* open an buffer of 32 bytes
* copy the content of the one 32 byte Block from flash into Ram.* overwrite the RAM content with the new const data.
* flash the complete 32 byte block to the flash.
Here the test result:
1. erasing the flash sector
1. Writing first Block of data
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
const char Teststr3[] = ''00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFFC0C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9CACBCCCDCECF'';const uint32_t address3 = 0x08020B38;const uint32_t length3 = 0x25-5; // 32All seems to be ok.
2. Writing the second Block of data
// 1 2
const char Teststrx[] = ''AABB'';const uint32_t addressx = 0x08020B20;const uint32_t lengthx = 0x2; // 23. Writing next Block of data
// 1 2 3
const char Teststry[] = ''CCDDEE'';const uint32_t addressy = 0x08020B2A;const uint32_t lengthy = 0x3; // 3What happend ?
Memory 0x8020B1 changed from BB --> 3B
4. Writing next Block of data
// 1 2 3
const char Teststri[] = ''ABCDEF'';const uint32_t addressi = 0x08020B59;const uint32_t lengthi = 0x3; // 3The reading of the flash 256bit-section cannot be performed by the debugger
.Restart debugger or/and ON/OFF power not helps.
Only a new erasing of the flash solve this problem (see 1.).Now my question, can you or somebody else explain what happen at 3.) and 4.) ?If the eclipse project is needed, I can provide it.Thanks in advance.
BR Volker
2017-12-06 9:43 AM
Most likely due to ECC and faulting. ie trying to fix vs detect multiple bit errors
The flash lines are 256 + ECC bits in length, when you start cherry picking what you write and rewrite into the line you're likely to break things.
When processing sparse or unaligned hex files you really need to cache the data in larger blocks, and flush the data as aligned lines into the Flash array, and finally once you've encountered the terminal record. Either your S-Record processing needs to get smarter and handle multiple lines so it can fold into single aligned writes, or you work with packaged binary data, and use something like X-Modem with larger and aligned blocks.
2018-04-16 2:04 AM
Hi, I am using V1.2.0 of stm32h7xx_hal_flash_ex to erase individual sectors. Directly after the erase cycle I do a blank check which reports errors. When setting a breakpoint I can see in the debugger that effectively the flash is not empty:
When stepping the flash contents updates and then it is completely erased.
I have tried with different voltage range settings but nothing helps. What could be the issue here?
2018-05-04 4:52 AM
Hello Andre,
1/ Does the HAL API HAL_FLASHEx_Erase() report a HAL_ERROR or HAL_OK?
2/ Is Cache activated in your application?
In fact, when cache is activated, the CPU could be seeing an old data available in cache, and not the new data available in flash memory. So, a cache maintenance in needed after erase.