2024-03-21 10:45 AM
I want to creater a telnet server but can't even get the board to respond to a ping. I followed the following sequence:
Enabled FreeRTOS CMSIS_V
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-03-26 02:31 AM
Hello @debug,
as a first guess I recommend that you check the Tim14 Timebase is working as well as Systick initialization as it will be used by LWIP maybe try using anther Timer like TIM6 and see the difference.
Another point to be aware of is memory management (pool allocation, buffer placement in SRAM ...).
A general recommendation will be to see the working example STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.27.0\Projects\STM32F429ZI-Nucleo\Applications\LwIP\LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS which can be run on your board. And try to see the difference between this code and your generated code to pinpoint your issue.
2024-03-26 02:31 AM
Hello @debug,
as a first guess I recommend that you check the Tim14 Timebase is working as well as Systick initialization as it will be used by LWIP maybe try using anther Timer like TIM6 and see the difference.
Another point to be aware of is memory management (pool allocation, buffer placement in SRAM ...).
A general recommendation will be to see the working example STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.27.0\Projects\STM32F429ZI-Nucleo\Applications\LwIP\LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS which can be run on your board. And try to see the difference between this code and your generated code to pinpoint your issue.
2024-03-26 10:14 AM
You have the source code - use your debugger. WHERE in MX_LWIP_Init() is it hanging? If it is in a HAL_Delay() call, then, yeah, your timer config is probably incorrect.
2024-04-03 02:01 AM
My apologies for replying late! I finally got back to it. I created a new project, set the timebase source to TIM6, enabled FreeRTOS, LWIP & Ethernet compiled and loaded and it looks like I can get LWIP_Init() fine now and my project will enter infinite loop in StartDefaultTask.
I set the IP to and my computer to and when I try to send pings from my computer to, it won't respond. In Wireshark, I see the ARP requests for going out but there's no reply to the requests from the board. What else am I missing? LWIP_ICMP is Enabled in the config (LWIP -> General Settings)
I cloned the repo from STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.27.0\Projects\STM32F429ZI-Nucleo\Applications\LwIP\LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS, imported the project but it wouldn't build, it appears to be missing the complete contents of LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS\STM32CubeIDE\Drivers\STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver I tried to manually copy the missing files but have not succeeded in building this project yet. Not exactly sure how I can use these examples
2024-04-03 05:40 AM
Hello @debug,
if you are missing some files, you are clearly using the download button to get the Repo .
you can try to use the command.
this should resolve your issue.
you can also still get the package from the ST.com website.