2021-12-09 6:20 AM
Hello, I'm using LL driver in projects and I found these differences comparing the newest LL driver version (1.7.13) with my current why:
in file stm32f4xx_ll_usart.h/c (macro with prefix ATOMIC_ is now used in several functions)
So the question is, for what reason the macro with ATOMIC_ prefix is now used? Why only for UART peripheral? What these changes may affect?
2021-12-09 8:25 AM
> What these changes may affect?
setting a bit or clearing a bit requires two memory accesses on ARM (not talking about bit-banding here): read a word + modify it + write the modified word. Concurrent modifications, e.g. from main and an interrupt handler of the same word may result in unexpected results (race conditions). This is fixed by using the ARM exclusive load/store instructions ldrex and strex, see https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dht0008/a/ch01s02s01.
For the remaining questions, maybe someone from ST can answer.
2021-12-09 8:29 AM
It doesn't answers to the question, why it was added only for UART peripheral...
2021-12-09 9:28 AM
He answered at least one of your questions.
As to why these appear only in the UART functions - I can only guess. Maybe there are known issues with interrupts and non-interrupt code possibly changing the UART's CR at the same time, and there are not *known* cases of that in the other modules. Or maybe they (ST) haven't propogated this change elsewhere. Interestingly this doesn't appear in the F7 1.26.2 release. So I would guess this is just starting to propogate through the HAL ecosystem. But again, that is just a guess.
What the changes may affect - looks like the intent is to make applications work as intended with no clobbering/corruption of the UART CRx bits. At least that is what it looks like to me.
2021-12-09 9:28 AM
Strange. Maybe this was introduced for use in multicore systems where M4 is one of cores, such as STM32H7?
The source itself does not offer any hints.
2021-12-09 9:34 AM
Maybe, but these changes were made for STM32F4xx MCU's, which are single-core. Unfortunately I didn't found any explanation, why such changes implemented now.
2021-12-09 9:41 AM
From the link above, there is mentioned, that ARMv7-M supports the byte and halfword but not the doubleword variants. In LL drivers the 32-bit (word) variant is used... This is really confusing me now.
2021-12-09 9:45 AM
In ARM parlance, a word has 32-bit. double word (DWORD) was (is?) used for 32-bit when Windows transitioned from 16 to 32 bit.
2021-12-09 9:51 AM
My mistake, in the file stm32f4xx.h, macros __STREXW and __LDREXW are used... This postfix misleaded me..
2021-12-09 1:36 PM
Do STREX/LDREX even work on direct peripheral addresses? Documentation from ARM indicates "memory" access.
Certainly the changes would allow code to be thread-safe. It's unclear (to me at least) if these would work correctly on multi-core systems. I would tend to doubt it, as there would need to be a synchronization method between the cores to even allow it.
Edit: STREX/LDREX does work on GPIO->ODR as expected. Tested on a STM32F405.