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STM32F070CBT6 Emulate Eeprom Issue

Associate III

When using this microcontroller for emulate eeprom process, i got some problems like freezing at start-up, when writing OLED, sprintf function can not write characters- writes silly words. I am not sure if the problem is about my emualte_eeprom process or something like that? In addition to this, can anybody lead me to how correctly use emulate_eeprom with above STM32 microcontroller? A sample code will be the best. Thank all for your helps.

ST Employee

Hello @tensaisakuragi06 ,

Please refer to the following EEPROM Emulation example on GitHub for the STM32CubeF0:

STM32CubeF0/Projects/STM32F091RC-Nucleo/Applications/EEPROM/EEPROM_Emulation at master · STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeF0 · GitHub

Additionally, you can consult the application note AN4061 for further details regarding this application, which can assist you with your project:

AN4061 - EEPROM Emulation in STM32F0xx Microcontrollers - STMicroelectronics



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@tensaisakuragi06 wrote:

 I am not sure if the problem is about my emualte_eeprom process or something like that?.

So separate the two:

  • Does your EEPROM emulation work correctly - without the OLED ?
  • Does your OLED work correctly - without the EEPROM emulation ?

What testing/investigation/debuggging have you done to find what's going wrong.


@tensaisakuragi06 wrote:

can anybody lead me to how correctly use emulate_eeprom with above STM32 microcontroller? .

What "emulate_eeprom" are you using?

See the links @MOBEJ provided. That code is also available as STSW-STM32117: