2014-05-03 4:19 AM
I think I have a problem similar to the one described in the post ''STM32CubeMX as Eclipse plugin on Linux 64 machine''. As I'm really reluctant to use eclipse, I would like to know if a plugin for Qtcreator is planned ? - Fabien #stm32cube2014-05-09 4:47 AM
Hello Fabien,
There is no such support plan so far. I will forward your request. Thanks for your post.2017-03-31 7:33 AM
Although it's too late to reply, I will just put an answer here for those who may visit this question:
you may easily use QtCreator.
Just generate the code for System Workbench and then put these CMake files in there :
Then run QtCreator and open project and choose CMakeList.txt
That's all.
You can also configure Qtcreator to be used for debugging and running the code. Checkout this page:
Just don't use the makefile suggested to be used there. Use CMake script mentioned above.