2012-11-25 5:54 AM
simple TCP and UDP examples for f4
#lwip #uip #tcp/ip-stack #describe-the-goal-not-the-step2012-11-25 6:04 AM
Just how simple are we talking about, done any networking or programming before? And for what board?
Here's a LwIP example from the download pageshttp://www.st.com/internet/com/SOFTWARE_RESOURCES/SW_COMPONENT/FIRMWARE/stm32f4x7_eth_lwip.zip
There are a bunch of other examples if you care to look.2012-11-25 6:12 AM
The LwIP is too complex
i use simple minimum library for send one pocket to direct linked PC & also receive it2012-11-25 7:01 AM
The LwIP is too complex
Perhaps a commercial solution would be simpler and better documented.2012-11-25 7:20 AM
''The LwIP is too complex''
LwIP really is quite simple as IP stacks go!
Perhaps you should look at uIP - which is a minimalist stack for really small microcontrollers...2012-11-27 12:33 AM
I don’t need
IP STACK ,it’s obvious that if I need it, I will use LWIP.
I’m beginner in using Ethernet so I prefer the easiest
form of sample code which can send simple Ethernet frame to the computer through Ethernet and also receive the frame
from program such as WIRESHARK.It’s also able to send a frame to the F4.
So that as the first step in learning but not real use of it .
I like
a simple code like BLINKING LED for Ethernet do you remember it ?2012-11-27 12:58 AM
But your question was ''simple TCP and UDP examples for f4''. Both TCP and UDP run on top of IP and therefore do require a (TCP/)IP stack. Maybe you need to ask a different question?
2012-11-27 4:11 AM
2012-11-27 6:21 AM
''i need send & receive simple Ethernet frame''
And what will you use to receive those frames...?2012-11-27 6:44 AM
For raw Ethernet frames (802.3), you might want to look at interfacing to the ETH driver :