2016-06-19 07:09 PM
I am facing some issues with the nucleo board. (stm32L152RET6).I used ST demo code for the UART. The baudrate is set to 9600 and it works. When I set it to 115200 it doesn't. Anyone has experienced this issue or if it is a known one? I am not using DMA and do not want to.Cheers,B. #stm32l152 #uart #hal2016-06-19 08:10 PM
Consider how fast you are clocking the processor/bus, and if that is sufficiently fast.
2016-06-19 08:35 PM
oh sorry I forgot to mention that the clock is set to 32MHz.
From: clive1Posted: Monday, June 20, 2016 5:10 AMSubject: NUCLEO-152RE - 115200 baud rate does not workConsider how fast you are clocking the processor/bus, and if that is sufficiently fast.
2016-06-20 04:02 AM
Hi brushtakopo,
Check theese thread which may be helpful and tell us: -Hannibal-