2022-02-07 4:59 AM
2022-02-07 6:00 AM
Use an RTOS and semaphore, signal, etc.
instead of active waiting the RTOS will switch tasks until the resouce is available or the delay expired.
And don't use active waiting like HAL_Delay()!
2022-02-07 6:07 AM
Or use an interrupt to perform the task while letting the main loop do less important tasks. Implementation will depend on your exact needs. Small frequent tasks will be best served by an interrupt.
2022-02-07 7:35 AM
You can also do it without RTOS or interrupt; eg,
// flag to be set by the long-running process when it completes
bool long_running_process_completed = false;
// do other stuff while process runs
if( long_running_process_completed )
// handle completion
// do some more other stuff while process still runs
State Machines (aka Finite State Machines, FSM) give another approach ...
2022-02-07 8:21 AM
One more vote for state machines (coming from FPGAs and almost zero knowledge about OS...) plus interrupts.
Put one in main(), and every function called in main, use flags.
For high priority stuff check according flags in main outside of state machine.
2022-02-07 9:39 AM
This is "Cooperative multitasking".
2022-02-07 7:18 PM
To answer the question, C can generate assembly code, so yes. Now without RTOS, if the goal is not keeping the core self warming and plan low power mode in the next quest, use interrupts. More specificallu use a state machine that gets kicked by chosen interrupt signals. For example, EXTI and SPI and DMA interrupt events going to the FSM to perform SPI slave. If need delays, feed the FSM with timer compare interrupts. All the sources should be having same IRQ priority. This way, smarter peripherals can be built under a bare metal or an OS.
2022-02-08 1:46 AM
For nonblocking delays i always use HAL_GetTick()
its similar to the millis() funtion in arduino
And do something like this for a periodic 500ms task (not as precise as interruptions and sccesptible to delays in your firmware.
uint32_t lastGetTick;
//check if 500ms passed since last time this if() was triggered
//do your thing
//reset the tick
2022-02-08 4:50 AM - last edited on 2023-12-18 11:37 AM by Peter BENSCH
You have to be careful with this. Have a look to: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X00009XkgXi/years-on-continue-to-see-the-same-bad-timeout-code
It is better to do a subtraction for each loop
2022-02-08 9:21 AM
thanks @Nikita91 i changed my example