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Mounting FAT file system on external flash memory and provide FTP access to host software

Associate III

Note: SD card is not an option for us to have onboard.

I want to mount FAT file system on external flash memory interface through FMC NAND controller. The file system should be accessible through FTP from host software.

Partition NAND memory and mounting file system on first partition. Use second partition for raw access.

Is this a good approach to replace SDcard.

Does file system takes care of NAND wear levelling, bad block management?

Would it support linear access to increase life time of flash chip?



>>Is this a good approach to replace SDcard.

No, use eMMC these were designed as the chip level equivalent

>>Does file system takes care of NAND wear levelling, bad block management?

No, you'd get to own that, and the ECC on your NAND device. FAT is exceedingly poorly suited to this. Something like UDF would be better suited, but is complex. There might be more flash centric solutions.

>>Would it support linear access to increase life time of flash chip?

The FAT file system does not

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Associate III

@Community member​ Thank You for suggestion

Seems there are some discussion threads about eMMC and your contribution is huge. Will go through and understand. I am planning to use STM32H7x3I-EVAL (MB1246 RevE) board for design evaluation. I have to buy eMMC adapter and module.

I don't see examples in STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.9.0 package. Can you point out any example projects.

The STM32H745I-DISCO has eMMC in lieu of a MicroSD card slot, should be example code there

I think the parts I've used are significantly larger, 16, 32, 64 and 128 GB devices, and I did have the eMMC working and ported to the H7x3I-EVAL a couple of years ago. Perhaps V1.5.0 or earlier.

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@Community member​  Thanks. I found application example for H745I board. Will go through the same.