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Library for stm32f429 for communicating with wiznet7500p


Hi amazing, 

Just a simple question.

Do you know if exists a library or repo with some example better for communicating with wiznet 7500 p? 

I have found this.. 

Should it work inside stm32cubeide?


Thanks a lot for your help


@SGasp.1 wrote:

The wiznet has been programmed with the following fw .

So the Serial-to-Ethernet firmware?

So you've read the User Manual:


The whole point of such a device is that it's transparent - the things connected to it neither knonw nor care that it's there.

It's for converting a "legacy" situation like this:


to this:


So the "legacy" devices remain blissfully unaware that they are not actually connected directly by the RS232!


@SGasp.1 wrote:

How can I make a test for understanding if the stm32 is communicating in a correct way with the wiznet?

It's just a UART connection - you treat it exactly as if the Wiznet were not there.

In fact, you should start by testing it without the Wizned - get your basic serial comms working before adding the Wiznet.

And test the link with Wiznets by using them between two PC terminals before trying it with your STM32.


@SGasp.1 wrote:

 i think all pins were busy 


😳 🤔

There are parts in that family with up to 216 pins! 

Hi @Andrew Neil 

You are very kind helping me

I appreciate

I have the following situation in my elecyronic board

 STM_MCU -- uart -- Wiznet 7500 p -- ethernet shield 





So i plug direclty the ethernet cable in the board

I think that if i want to test all the path from the pc to the stm32 mcu . first of all i have to set the same uart parameters

in the mcu and in the wiznet.. 

Once i do this how would you test all the path and communication?

Thanks a lot


@SGasp.1 wrote:

I think that if i want to test all the path from the pc to the stm32 mcu . first of all i have to set the same uart parameters

unless the Wiznet has autobaud?

You'll have to study the Wiznet documentation to check that.


@SGasp.1 wrote:

Once i do this how would you test all the path and communication?

Again, don't start by trying to test the complete chain.

Start by verifying that you can communicate from the STM23 via UART direct to another UART - eg, a terminal app on a PC.

Then verify that you can communicate using a terminal app on a PC through the Wiznet.

Once you have those two working, and are familiar with the necessary setups, then - and only then - put it all together.

It is a common beginners mistake to try to do everything all at once. But that just means that, when it doesn't work, you have no idea which bit is not working - or if multiple bits are not working.

So always start simple, and take things one small step at a time ...


Hi @Andrew Neil 

Thanks for your reply

Let's suppose i want to validate all the hw of the electronic board.. 

The stm mcu has a direct connection with uart with wiznet.. 

Makes to test this connection right?

It is clear that the setting of the uart for both chips must be the same.. 

For stm32 it is easy i have cube ide and for the wiznet i have the following amazing tool 


Once this step is done i have to communicate -- correct ? 

I have to send some data from the stm to the wiznet correct ? 

How is made the protocol ? 

I have to know what to send and what to expect to receive if i want to validate the transmission 

Correct ? 

I have found this

Makes sense to implemt such protocol in stm32 to validate the communication?


Thanks a lot for your comments





@SGasp.1 wrote:

Let's suppose i want to validate all the hw of the electronic board.. 

You still need to take a step-by-step approach - or, again, you won't know where any problems lie.

Dear @Andrew Neil .. 


Sorry i don't get your point

taking this 

Again, don't start by trying to test the complete chain.


Then verify that you can communicate using a terminal app on a PC through the Wiznet.  DONE WITH THE APP PROVIDED BY WIZNET READING THE MAC ADDRESS ON THE GUI

Start by verifying that you can communicate from the STM23 via UART direct to another UART - eg, a terminal app on a PC.

If i want to validate that specific uart in the stm32 mcu (in my case usart3 PB10 PB11) for sure i can try to communicate in uart directly with the pc (making a flying bridge with cables and by passing the wiznet) . 

But it is not what i want o test .. i want to test the uart communication withe the specific wiznet chip (which is inside the board) .. 

The only way I see it is communicating with a pre defined protocol (the one i have found?) and to read the answer in the uart validating for example the answer.. 

The question is that if i can use this protocol that i have found here


I hope we are in synch now 









You can communicate with any device over UART. Communicating with that chip shouldn't be any different, just need to make sure to use the same protocol on each side and send data with HAL_UART_Transmit or similar.

I don't believe there's an existing library out there for this.

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Hi @TDK 


That's the point yes.. 


Can you please take a quick look at this ?

It should be written the protocol for uart communication and for getting some info ? 


Am I correct? 




That's only for commands to the Wiznet itself - to configure the device.

In operation, the data from the STM32 UART just passes through transparently.

This is equivalent to using a dial-up modem - I guess you're too young to remember them?


Rather than do this from your STM32 (via UART), it can be done over the Ethernet: